Hot Chocolate with a special kick


Peanut chocolate

Put unsweetened cocoa powder and milk with raw sugar to taste in a pot and slowly bring to a simmer. Then, add a large spoonful of creamy peanut butter and stir until smooth.

Hot spicey chocolate

Add a stick of cinnamon and the pulp from a vanilla bean with milk into a pot and bring to a simmer. Add a couple of pieces of dark baker's chocolate and stir until completely dissolved. Remove the cinnamon stick at the end.

White rum chocolate

Heat the milk with about 40 grams of coarsely chopped white baker's chocolate by stirring constantly until all is melted. Stir in rum to taste and immediately pour into cups.

Toy's Delight cup
Toy's Delight cup
Toy's Delight cup
Winter Bakery Delight bowl
Winter Bakery Delight bowl
Winter Bakery Delight bowl